Microcosm meaning
Microcosm meaning

microcosm meaning

“The scientists who attempted to see the atom found a world within it that could not be described in ordinary language. Sanskrit scholar Radha Vallabh Tripathi, in his article ‘Vedic World View and Modern Science’, says, Macrocosm means the earth or the whole universe. They considered man as a world in miniature like the Hindus. Sufi Muslims, who are 50 percent Hindus in their approach to spiritualism, also had similar principle. Yat Pinde Tad Brahmaande is the Sanskrit saying. Tamils say that “Andaththil Ullathu Pindathilum Ullathu” = What is found in the Universe is in your Body. But not many people know the concept of microcosm and macrocosm also went to Greece from India.

microcosm meaning

Vedic dog story (Sarama=Hermes), Five elements (Pancha Bhuta, Earth is Mother (Gaia = Atharva Veda-Mata Bhumi Putoham) and hundreds of things were borrowed by the Greeks from India. Since Hindus migrated to Greece and other European countries long before Socrates and Pythagoras, we find lot of Sanskrit and Tamil words in Greek language (I have already given the list of Tamil words in Greek in my earlier post). Vegetarianism, Rebirth, Upanishadic question and answer method (which the westerners named as Socratic Method later) and several other Hindu principles entered the Greek world through these people.

microcosm meaning

Plato and his Guru Socrates were interested in Hindu Upanishads. It is a well-known fact that Alexander the Great developed great interest in Hindu ascetics because of his mentor Aristotle who was trained in Plato’s Academy.

Microcosm meaning